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Sophia is the organiser behind the scenes. Now married with two little ones of her own and living off farm, Sophia is the one taking the orders and packing products in between raising the next generation of farmers.
Caroline is also out every weekend at Farmer's Markets. During the week Caroline will be Milking, Feeding calves, and doing deliveries. Caroline is also responsible for all the Social media post, and all the beautiful farm photos. Her son James now 5 is becoming a helpful little apprentice.
Mentor and Idol, Rowan doesn't stop working. Milking and managing the farms whilst tending to their general maintenance. Occasionally getting out to the Farmer's markets when we're in need.
Much like Rowan, Vicki is also a mentor in the farming and business aspects. Occasionally filling in at Farmer's Markets, Vicki's day-to-day is milking as she lets her daughters Sophia and Caroline take over the show.